Tuesday, 22 October 2013

International Business Attire

I feel it is important to know about dress code in different countries. It gives us a greater understanding how to dress while meeting people from other cultures and in understanding why they dress in certain way. This is extremely important when involved in business with Islamic countries. No one would expect an American woman to wear a hijab while doing business in the Middle East, but out of respect you might want to dress more conservatively. For example skirt with knee length hem line or even longer would be appropriate business attire. This article will give you a better understanding of the Middle East business attire.

http://www.bows-n-ties.com. "Business Dress in the Middle East". 22 October 2013. 

China, and Europe acquired Western business dress code and the article below would help you out line some basics dress code rules for Western business attire.

Compton, M. (2007). DRESS the PART. Women in Business, 59(1), 12-14.

If you work for a person/company who does business internationally let me know what are some of your policies regarding dress code.
Lets start a discussion. 

New School Attire

I hope so far you are enjoying my blog :-)
While doing research for my blog I came across this news clip.
Clip is a about tighter dress code in Public schools.

The dress code in Catholic schools was always more strict than in Public schools, now it seems the Public schools are trying to impose stricter dress rules. I believe that this is a good idea, as school prepares kids for the future. Students need to know that following dress code is essential as it also applies in the work force. On the other hand I also believe that teenagers should be given the freedom to explore and find out who they are and be creative.  In imposing sticker dress code policies may make it harder to do so.

As always I would love to hear what you think. If you are a parent of a child who was affected by such dress code policies please tell me how do you fell.  

Students please let me know how you feel about these changes. 

Lawsuit Related to Dress Code

One of the bigger cases in the U.S.A relating to dress code would be Jespersen vs. Harrah’s Operating Co. Perhaps you have heard about it. A female employee, Darlene Jespersen worked at the Harrah’s Casino as a bartender for 20 years. In 2000, a new company policy required female and male employees to wear a specific uniform. Female employees were forced to apply make up and male employees were banned from applying any make up. The Plaintiff didn’t agree with the new company policy and was let go from her position when she confronted her superiors. Darlene had sued Harrah’s Operating Co. for discrimination, sex-based stereotypes. If you were in Darlene’s position would you have done the same?  Do you think Harrah’s casino had the right to tell female employees to wear make up?

Darlene lost the lawsuit. If you were the judge, would you have made the same decision? If you are not sure because you know too little about the case, here is the link, 


I found this case to be very interesting. Based on what I have read, I think I would have made the same decision as the judge. I strongly believe that Darlene should have shown the judge how troubling it was for her to apply make up everyday, and how costly it is to purchase that make up. 
Let me know what you think in the comment section. 

Tattoos and Piercing in a Work Place

Companies seem to be more open minded now days with employees having tattoos. Lawyers, doctors and many other professionals have visible tattoos and those tattoos do not have the same stigma they once did. Canadian law does not cover tattoos and piercings, how do you feel about that?  

Rachel Hennessey. "Doctor with Tattoos" Forbes.com. http://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelhennessey/2013/02/27/having-a-tattoo-and-a-job/. 22 October 2013. 

While in high school I was working at a clothing store, my boss did not want any tattoos showing. During that summer, I covered the small tattoo I had above my ankle with band-aids. I did not feel that my rights were violated because of that. The store wanted to keep a certain image and my tattoo did not go along with that image.  If your boss asked you to cover your tattoo or remove a piercing, what would you say? Yes? Or maybe argue with them?

Tell me about your body art or a piercing which might have got you in trouble with your boss. I would love to read your comments.